DSP Astraunatics Project

Create a Simulation for the Astronautics Department of Kingston University based on the "Mission to Neptune Report" produced by a student group in 2013.


Sunday, 18 January 2015

Minigame4- Compositional data collection game

Since i am assisting Rob, I worked on this minigame. As this is going to be integrated into using the Oculus, I created the game objects and game logic for just this game. when rob integrates it into the minigame set, the camera controls (for the rift) and skybox will be added.


One of the missions in the ‘Mission to Neptune Report’ is to collect Compositional data of Neptune. In order to simulate this, the player will have to look at different parts of Neptune and press a button. Mission is over once the player has collected all the 100% of the data of the time has runout.


Neptune will contain four empty collider objects inside its body. Using the ray cast function, a ray will be drawn from the center of the camera forward at the press of a key. Every time the ray collides with one of the colliders, that sections data would have been collected. Once all four collider object’s data has been collected the game is over.
The main feature of the code in this mini game is the raycast function from the center of the screen. and a screen shot of that section

Ray rayOrigin = Camera.main.ViewportPointToRay(new Vector3(0.5F, 0.5F, 0));
RaycastHit hitinfo;
if (Physics.Raycast(rayOrigin, out hitinfo, distance))

I also used the GUI.lable to view the outputs here


Though this simulation oversimplifies the science behind collecting compositional data, it contains the fundamental idea of the collecting compositional data as mentioned in the report. This game could be made better by using more collider volumes inside the Neptune body. In order to make this game more scientifically accurate we would need to segment sections of Neptune’s surface and detect ray collisions with it. and based off those surface locations compositional data is collected. To be even more accurate the game should provide something similar to actual data but since we dont know till we actually carry out the mission, the game will proberble say something along the lines of mission complete

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